pp108 : Viewing Log Messages Using Apache Chainsaw

Viewing Log Messages Using Apache Chainsaw

This topic describes the procedure to view log messages using Apache Chainsaw.

The Apache's Chainsaw is an open source GUI-based tool used to view the log messages.

  1. In the Provide Log Configuration Details screen, in the Logger Consumers frame, do the following:
    1. Select the Publish to Remote Host option.
    2. Type the machine number in the Host Name field.
    3. Type the port number as 4445. This is the default port for Chainsaw. For further information on changing the configuration, see the Chainsaw documentation.
  2. Run the following command from the command prompt:
    java org.apache.log4j.chainsaw.Main

    Note: Apache Chainsaw cannot open files which have the hash (#) character in the filename. Process Platform log files have this character. Rename it to some other character to view the files in Chainsaw.